If I Have a Ff14 Account Do I Need to Buy Again for Ps4

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  • #1
First question, is at that place cross-buy, if and so how does this function? If I purchase it on the PS4 will I automatically have access to it on PC? Same question for the DLC. How does all of that work? Cross-play I believe is a thing but I really just want to make certain. Is it an easy affair to embark, and setup your account on?

2nd question. The game itself. How is it? Is information technology nevertheless a skillful time solo? Is the world skillful? The earth in RPGs (no matter the kind) is what gets me sucked in. Is the combat practiced? How's the story? DLC worth playing? Sell me on this game ERA.

  • #two
I can't answer specifically about the cross-buy, but equally for the game, it's fantasic. The world is immersive and with the exception of some stuff, it's practically completely solo-able. In that location's a free trial, so you should be able to try it out


  • #three
There is no cross buy. You have to buy the game on both platforms.
  • #4
I had to play it on PC instead of PS4 when I was out of town one time, and I really had to buy the game over again for PC when that time came :/. It was actually upsetting LOL.

The game is amazing. And it'south very accessible to a solo actor.. Much more so than FFXI was, since party members are assigned for you when yous que for dungeons and things like that. The story gets Actually expert after A Realm Reborn. The classes are skilful, primal fights are fun, and it's a really aesthetically pleasing world with amazing music. My favourite MMORPG.

EDIT: One thing I'll likewise mention about crossing platforms: your character/gear/business relationship etc tin be accessed across all platforms, but y'all'll have to completely redo your saved gear sets/macros etc from scratch when you switch.

Grim Patron
  • #5
It isnt cross buy. Your account works beyond both and your gear etc shows up everywhere. Y'all still need to purchase the game + expansion everywhere y'all want to play. Likewise PC and Steam is treated differently. If y'all buy it on PC exterior steam, you lot wont be able to play information technology on steam unless you rebuy. Same for expansions. Also account and SE lawmaking/copy region has to exist the same. Once yous take an business relationship and matching region version of the game, you can play on any server/ region inside. Proceed that in listen. Its impaired only yea.

Game itself is superb. Best modern terminal fantasy game. All-time music in anything in a while.

  • #half dozen
For what it's worth, I hate MMOs, but enjoy FF14.
qq more
  • #8
There's no crossbuy unfortunately. Crossplay works exactly as i would expect, I wouldn't exist able to tell who's on PC or non sometimes lol And your account/character info and all is non bound to systems. And so if you happen to own the game for both PC and PS4, you can simply continue off on wherever.
Count of Monte Sawed-Off
  • #9
For what it'southward worth, I hate MMOs, but enjoy FF14.

Yep, it'southward the only I've ever gone back to multiple times.

edit: and if y'all play right now you tin can get a flying behave.

detuned radios
  • #ten
No cantankerous-purchase. The base game and expansions have to be purchased separately for each platform (PC, PS4, Mac). Everyone plays on the aforementioned servers, so as long equally you use the same Square-Enix account (which you are required to set upwards when starting the game) on all platforms, your character goes with yous across platforms. After you own the game on multiple platforms, you too only need to pay 1 apartment subscription fee (as in, PS4 and PC don't require divide subscriptions).

I love the game a lot. You can play information technology as a unmarried histrion game for the most part if you want to - yous are required to group up for dungeons and boss fights, but the matchmaking for that stuff makes finding a group effortless. Playing with friends (or making new friends through the game!) certainly makes information technology better, though. The world is well-built and beautiful - areas are sectioned off into zones with loading screens, and so it'south non as open world as one might want, just I don't accept an issue with it. Writing-wise I'd say the earth building is arguably meliorate than the "plot" then to speak. Combat is WoW-style hotbar combat with a slower global cool downwards and some oGCD management. Story starts off a scrap generic and plodding in the base game IMO, but the expansion stories are much better and worth experiencing if you at all savour the game.

  • #11
You demand to purchase a license for every version you intend to play.

Note: A Steam license of the game is not the aforementioned as a regular Windows license, and buying either will lock y'all out of the other on that service business relationship. Aye, it is very silly.
If you don't intend on using the Steam Wallet to pay for your sub, purchase the non-Steam version. Information technology tends to proceed auction more than than the Steam version does.

As for the game itself? I don't enjoy it equally much equally I enjoyed FFXI, but I'm a gigantic weirdo. The base game has some issues with pacing, especially in the patches leading upwards to the outset expansion, but the expansions have been fantastic. You lot can play lone, just you will need to group up with other players in social club to do dungeons, trials, and somewhen raids. This is handled via in-game matching through the duty finder, and the customs is mostly pretty squeamish. Combat is a bit of a mess at the moment at lower levels for a good chunk of classes (With the most recent expansion, the team did a pretty all-encompassing rework of the classes), but at max level, they all click and have quite a bit of depth to them.

Give the free trial a shot earlier buying in. It'll allow you to play up until level 35 now.

Yang Xiao Long
  • #12
It'southward been a few years, but Cantankerous-Play was a dream when I used it. Every bit PS4 histrion, I was able to play with one friend who was on PC, and some other who was on PS3.

PS3 is off the table now, just information technology was awesome to not detect my friend circumvolve blocked in whatever manner from playing every bit a group. Existence able to play with folks on PC should withal be a blast, because there will always be a healthy base for console folks.

  • #13
14 is the best MMO running right now. Pro tip, crank the book during the Central fights, peculiarly Titan and Shiva. Some of the best butt rock this side of Alive and Learn.
  • #14
A nice unintended side effect of forcing you to buy multiple versions of the game to play on all platforms is that each version of the base game you lot activate on your account gives you lot a free 30 days of play and with how ofttimes the game goes on sale you'll in all likelihood save money this manner believe it or not since a month of play is $thirteen-$15.

Simply you can only take one PS4 license and 1 version of the PC license (Steam or no, not both, ever) so this fox only works once.

Terminal edited:
  • #16
if you buying information technology on pc get the non-Steam version.
  • #17
If y'all buy the non-Steam version, you can then download the "Complimentary Trial" from Steam and apply your existing log in. Steam will show y'all as forever playing the "Free Trial" but, oh well.

Information technology's also worth noting that one time yous catechumen your Free Trial to the Paid Version, you *can't* go back. Which means once your subscription runs out, you tin can't log back in to start a new character from ane-35. (It doesn't work like WoW.)

  • #eighteen
Servers make no distinction of your platform. Everyone plays together and both versions support MK?b and controllers.

Equally for cantankerous purchase, it simply applies to your subscription and cash shop items. One subscription will cover your whole account, and then you can flip back and forth between platforms but you will demand to buy the game license on each platform you desire to play on.

  • #19
Think I'chiliad gonna jump in with the PS4 version since information technology's on sale for $30 until January 2nd.

Capeesh the info.

  • #twenty
Think I'm gonna bound in with the PS4 version since it's on sale for $30 until January 2nd.

Appreciate the info.

Utilize the free trial up to level 35 and then purchase the game if you like it.
If y'all purchase it outset you'll have to pay for subscription like it or not, even if you're under level 35.


Source: https://www.resetera.com/threads/how-does-ffxivs-cross-play-cross-buy-work-sell-me-on-it.11838/

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